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2001年9月–2005年6月,金莎js9999777 金莎js9999777 高分子材料与工程专业学习,获(工学)学士学位;

2005年9月–2010年6月,中国科学技术大学 高分子科学与工程专业学习,获(理学)博士学位;导师:刘世勇 教授;

2010年8月–2012年6月,新加坡南洋理工大学 化学与生物工程系,博士后;合作导师:段宏伟 教授;

2012年7月–2017年11月,金莎js9999777 金莎js9999777 高分子系,副教授;

2017年12月–至今,金莎js9999777 金莎js9999777 高分子系,教授。









中国化学会高级会员,主持包括国家自然科学基金(3)在内的各类国家和省部级纵向项目10余项,主持企业委托项目3项。已在Adv. Funct. Mater, Macromolecules, Chem. Mater., Biomacromolecules, Theranostics等国内外知名学术期刊上发表论文60篇,国际/国内学术会议论文30;受邀撰写3专论及综述性文章;已发表的论文共被引用2000次,H因子为32,其中被评为“Journal Hot Article”“ESI高被引研究论文各1篇;申请发明专利 15,已授权9授权实用新型专利1项;指导本科生获得第二届全国大学生高分子材料实验实践虚拟仿真大赛一等奖和二等奖各一项、第三届全国大学生高分子材料实验实践大赛铜奖、第二届全国高分子材料创新创业大赛总决赛铜奖和最佳人气奖、第三届全国大学生化学实验创新设计竞赛华中赛区二等奖。培养研究生中有5人次获得国家奖学金1获得高分子达菲奖学金,3人获得品学兼优毕业生称号,1获得校研究生学术交流年会二等奖。


1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(二项).

2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目.

3. 主持安徽省自然科学基金青年项目.

4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金暨金莎js99997772020年度科学前沿创新专项.

5. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金暨金莎js9999777首届“春华计划”项目.

6. 主持高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金.

7. 主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(47.

8. 主持功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室(南开大学)开放基金.

9. 主持企业委托类项目三项.

10. 主持金莎js9999777人才引进启动资金.



1)殷俊,史声宇,何亚光,吴宗铨,陈宇. 一种手性荧光自分类聚合双官能团引发剂的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,中国,2015,授权号:ZL201510016583.1

2)殷俊,何亚光,史声宇,吴云柱. 一种基于表面增强拉曼散射技术对多分析物的自分类检测方法,发明专利,中国,2015,授权号:ZL201510018812.3.

3)殷俊,张志煌,陈宇,吴云柱,韩鑫,张健,张文明. 一种具有快速穿过细胞膜特性的多重响应性高分子纳米载体的制备及应用. 发明专利,中国,2016. 授权号:ZL201610843172.4.

4)殷俊,韩鑫, 张健, 张文明, 徐昕宇,徐旭阳,岑杰,唐开阳. 快速穿透细胞膜以及胞内环境响应性的比率型荧光成像高分子纳米载体及其制备和应用. 发明专利,中国,2017,授权号:ZL201710195833.1

5)殷俊,张健,乔柱,张文明,刘换英. 一种拟细胞穿膜肽功能的肿瘤靶向纳米载体的制备方法. 发明专利,中国,2018,授权号:ZL201810507672.X.

6)殷俊,陈宇,史声宇,张志煌,许俊松,薛天浩,唐新锋,张鑫. 一种具有近红外吸收与自分类聚合特性的双官能团引发剂的合成及应用. 发明专利,中国,2016,授权号:ZL201610150029.7.

7)殷俊,谢开云,李晖,童犇,刘诗云,王宇泽. 一种具有荧光比率特性的过氧化氢响应性高分子纳米载体及其制备方法和应用. 发明专利,中国,2020. 公布号:202010446535.7. 

8)殷俊、尚柯、闫金浩. 一种环境敏感型聚合物/金杂化敷料的制备方法. 发明专利,中国,2021. 授权号:ZL202110790807.X. 

9)殷俊、乔柱、刘换英、毛晓旭、查杰诚. 一种活性氧响应性高载药量的聚姜黄素前药型纳米载体的制备及应用. 发明专利,中国,2022. 授权号:ZL201910191720.3.

10)殷俊、杨广威、闫金浩、马超. 一种可变形双重响应性高载药量聚前药纳米载体的制备方法. 发明专利,中国,2022. 申请公布号:CN114957647A.

11)殷俊、闫金浩、杨广威、马超. 一种热敏动态键调控的原位锚定药物智能释放的纳米载体的制备方法. 发明专利,中国,2022. 授权号:ZL202210362262.7 

12)殷俊,陈子淳,王传博,陈莉,刘春华. 一种新型自由基聚合反应的一体化实验装置.实用新型专利,中国,2021. 授权号:ZL202121637116.8.     


1) Tao You, Xintian Ding, Huapeng Zhao, Bin Dai, Lei Ye, Heng Zhao, Xinwei Zhu,* Jian Zhou,* Jun Yin*. Functionalized Hydroxyapatite and Curcumin Incorporated Stimuli-Responsive Low-Exothermic and Injectable Poly(methyl methacrylate) Bone Cement for the Treatment of Osteomyelitis. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2406817.

2) Qingjie Li, Jinhao Yan, Wenlong Jiang, Yunpeng Zhang, Peng Gao, Longxiang Tao,* Jun Yin*. Asymmetric Cyclodextrin-Dimer-Involved Nanoassemblies by Selective Host-Guest Interactions: Concentration-Dependent Morphology Evolution and Light-Regulated Biomedical Applications. Biomacromolecules 2024, 25, 941-954.

3) Benshun Zhu, Tong Zong, Ruifu Zheng, Xing Chen, Yakun Zhou, Yuandong Liu, Jinhao Yan,* Bingjie Zhao,* Jun Yin*. Acid and Glutathione Dual-Responsive, Injectable and Self-Healing Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery. Biomacromolecules 2024, 25, 1838-1849.

4) Wenlong Jiang, Yunpeng Zhang, Peng Gao, Kewu He*, Jun Yin* Construction of high-fidelity and multi-functional organic/inorganic aerogel composites for harsh environments. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 2024, 12, 112560.

5) Jinhao Yan, Wenlong Jiang, Guijie Kang, Qingjie Li, Longxiang Tao*, Xuefu Wang*, Jun Yin* Synergistic Chemo-Photo Anticancer Therapy by Reversible Diels-Alder Dynamic Covalent Bond Mediated Polyprodrug Amphiphiles and Immunoactivation Investigation. Biomater. Sci., 2023, 11, 5819-5830.

6) Guangwei Yang, Longxiang Tao, Guijie Kang, Jinhao Yan, Kewu He,* Xuefu Wang,* Jun Yin* Construction of Actively Targeted and High Drug Content Polyprodrug Amphiphiles to Perform Synergistic Chemo-Photo-Anti-Tumor Therapy and Immune-Activated Investigation. Chem. Mater. 2023, 35, 4831-4844.

7) Jinhao Yan, Guangwei Yang, Benshun Zhu, Ruifu Zheng, Sheng Cheng, Kewu He*, Jun Yin*. Deformable and Disintegrable Multifunctional Integrated Polyprodrug Amphiphiles for Synergistic Phototherapy and Chemotherapy. Biomacromolecules. 2023, 24, 400-412. 

8) Jun Yin*, Chunhua Liu, Yuanyuan Zhu, Zongquan Wu. Reform and Inspiration of Bilingual Teaching on Polymer Chemistry. Polymer Bulletin, 2022, 2, 86-89.

9) Ke Shang, Longxiang Tao, Shanyue Jiang, Jinhao Yan, Shoukui Hu,   Guangwei Yang, Chao Ma, Sheng Cheng, Xuefu Wang* and Jun Yin* Highly Flexible Hydrogel Dressing with Efficient Antibacterial, Antioxidative, and Wound Healing Performances. Biomater. Sci., 2022, 10, 1373-1383.

10) Shoukui Hu, Jinhao Yan, Guangwei Yang, Chao Ma, and Jun Yin* Self-Assembled Polymeric Materials: Design, Morphology, and Functional- Oriented Applications. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 2100791. (Invited Review in the “Self-Assembly Materials and Applications” Special Issue)

11) Xiaoxu Mao, Shoukui Hu, Ke Shang, Guangwei Yang, Jinhao Yan, Chao Ma, and Jun Yin* Construction of Biodegradable Core Cross-Linked Nanoparticles from Near Infrared Dyes Encoded Polyprodrug Amphiphiles and Synergistic Anticancer Investigation. Polym. Chem., 2021, 12, 2054-2062.

12) Jiecheng Zha, Xiaoxu Mao, Shoukui Hu, Ke Shang, Jun Yin* Acid- and Thiol-Cleavable Multifunctional Codelivery Hydrogel: Fabrication and Investigation of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Properties. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2021, 4, 1515-1523.

13) Xiao-Xu Mao, Jie-Cheng Zha, Shou-kui Hu, Ke Shang, Jun Yin* Stopped-Flow Dynamic Study on the Escape Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Macromolecules from Microgels: Influence of the Path Length and Size. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 5919-5926.

14) Huan-Ying Liu, Zhu Qiao, Xiao-Xu Mao, Jie-Cheng Zha, Jun Yin* Phenylboronic Acid-Dopamine Dynamic Covalent Bond Involved Dual-Responsive Polymeric Complex: Construction and Anticancer Investigation. Langmuir, 2019, 35, 11850-11858.

15) Zhu Qiao, Huan-Ying Liu, Jie-Cheng Zha, Xiao-Xu Mao, Jun Yin* Complete Degradable Backbone-Type Hydrogen Peroxide Responsive Curcumin Copolymer: Synthesis and Synergistic Anticancer Investigation. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 4305 - 4313.

16) Jian Zhang, Zhu Qiao, Huan-Ying Liu, Jibin Song*, Jun Yin* Positively Charged Helical Chains Modified Stimuli-Responsive Nanoassembly Capable of Targeted Drug Delivery and Photoacoustic Imaging Guided Chemo-Photothermal Synergistic Therapy. Biomater. Sci., 2019, 7, 2050-2060.

17) Wen-Ming Zhang, Jian Zhang, Zhu Qiao, Huan-Ying Liu, Zongquan Wu*, Jun Yin* “Facile Fabrication of Positively-Charged Helical Poly(phenyl isocyanide)s Modified Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Nanoassembly Capable of High Efficiency Cell-Penetrating, Ratiometric Fluorescence Imaging, and Rapid Intracellular Drug Release” Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 4233-4242.

18) Shiyu Wei, Fengshou Tian, Feng Ge, Xiaohong Wang, Guobing Zhang, Hongbo Lu, Jun Yin*, Zongquan Wu*, Longzhen Qiu*. “Helical Nanofibrils of Block Copolymer for High-Performance Ammonia Sensors” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 22504-22512.

19) Wen-Ming Zhang, Jian Zhang, Zhu Qiao, Jun Yin* “Functionally Oriented Tumor Microenvironment Responsive Polymeric Nanoassembly: Engineering and Applications” Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2018, 36, 273-287. (Invited Review in the “Assembly and Supermolecules” Special Issue)

20) Zhi-Huang Zhang, Chen-Yang Qiao, Jian Zhang, Wen-Ming Zhang, Jun Yin,* and Zong-Quan Wu* “Synthesis of Hyperbranched Helical Poly(phenyl isocyanide) Chains Modified Hyperbranched Polyester Boltorn® H30-Incorporated Unimolecular Micelles and Their Enantioselective Crystallization Performance” Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2017, 38, 1700315.

21) Xin Han, Jian Zhang, Chen-Yang Qiao, Wen-Ming Zhang, Jun Yin*, Zong-Quan Wu “High-Efficiency Cell-Penetrating Helical Poly(phenyl isocyanide) Chains Modified Cellular Tracer and Nanovectors with Thiol Ratiometric Fluorescence Imaging Performance” Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 4114-4125.

22) Yun-Zhu Wu, Zhi-Huang Zhang, Xin Han, Jian Zhang, Wen-Ming Zhang and Jun Yin* “Affinity Switching for Lysozyme and Dual-responsive Microgels by Stopped-flow Technique: Kinetic Control and Activity Evaluation”, Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2017, 35, 950-960.

23) Jun Yin, Lei Xu, Xin Han, Li Zhou, Chonglong Li and Zong-Quan Wu*, “A Facile Synthetic Route to Stereoregular Helical Poly(phenyl isocyanide)s with Defined Pendants and Controlled Helicity”, Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 545-556.

24) Y. Chen, Z. H. Zhang, X. Han, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*, “Oxidation and Acid Milieu-Disintegratable Nanovectors with Rapid Cell-Penetrating Helical Polymer Chains for Programmed Drug Release and Synergistic Chemo-Photothermal TherapyMacromolecules, 2016, 49, 7718-7727.

25) S. Y. Shi, Y. J. Liu, Y. Chen, Z. H. Zhang, Y. S. Ding, Z. Q. Wu, Jun Yin*, L. M. Nie*, “Versatile pH-response Micelles with High Cell-Penetrating Helical Diblock Copolymers for Photoacoustic Imaging Guided Synergistic Chemo-Photothermal TherapyTheranostics, 2016, 6, 2170-2182.

26Jun Yin*, Y. Chen, Z. H. Zhang, X. Han, “Stimuli-Responsive Block Copolymer- Based Assemblies for Cargo Delivery and Theranostic ApplicationsPolymers 2016, 8, 268-296. (Invited Review in the “Responsive Polymers for Drug Delivery, Imaging and Theranostic Functions” Special Issue)

27) Y. G. He, S. Y. Shi, N. Liu, Y. S. Ding, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*, Tetraphenylethene-Functionalized Conjugated Helical Poly(phenyl isocyanide) with Tunable Light Emission, Assembly Morphology, and Specific ApplicationsMacromolecules, 2016, 49, 48-58.

28) S. Y. Shi, Y. G. He, W. W. Chen, N. Liu, Y. Y. Zhu, Y. S. Ding, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*, “Enantiomer-Selective Polypeptide-b-Poly(phenyl isocyanide) Hybrid Rod-Rod Copolymers: One-Pot Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Cell ImagingMacromol. Rapid Commun., 2015, 36, 1511-1520.

29) Y. G. He, S. Y. Shi, N. Liu, Y. Y. Zhu, Y. S. Ding, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*, Fabrication of SERS-Active Conjugated Copolymers/Gold Nanoparticles Composite Films by Interface-Directed Assembly RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 39697-39704.

30) W. Li, Y. G. He, S. Y. Shi, N. Liu, Y. Y. Zhu, Y. S. Ding, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*,Fabrication of Multi-Charges Generable Poly(phenyl isocyanide)-block- Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Rod-Rod Conjugated Copolymer Polym. Chem. 2015, 6, 2348-2355.

31) D. Zhang, Jun Yin*, F. He, N. L. Ge, Z. Q. Wu, Y. S. Ding*, Synthesis of Poly(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Star-Shaped Tricationic Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquid Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2015, 33, 245-255.

32) Y. Y. Zhu, T. T. Yin, J. Yin, N. Liu, Z. P. Yu, Y. W. Zhu, Y. S. Ding, Jun Yin*, Z. Q. Wu*,Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-Poly(5,8-di-p-tolylquinoxaline-2,3-diyl)      Conjugated Rod-Rod Copolymers: One Pot Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Highly Selective Sensing for Cobalt RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 40241-40250.

33) Jun Yin*, S. Y. Shi, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu*, Construction of Polyelectrolyte Responsive Microgels and Polyelectrolyte Concentration and Chain length Dependent Adsorption Kinetics Langmuir 2014, 30, 9551-9559.

34) Jun Yin*, J. M. Hu, G. Y. Zhang, S. Y. Liu*,Schizophrenic Core-Shell Microgels: Thermo-Regulated Core and Shell Swelling/Collapse by Combining UCST and LCST Phase Transitions Langmuir 2014, 30, 2551-2558. 

35) Jun Yin*, Y. G. He, W. Li, Z. Q. Wu, Y. S. Ding*, Wide range temperature detection with hybrid nanoparticles traced by surface-enhanced Raman scattering Sci. China Chem., 2014, 57, 417-425. 

36) Z. Q. Wu,* C. G. Qi, N. Liu, Y. Wang, Jun Yin*, Y. Y. Zhu, L. Z. Qiu, H. B. Lu, One Pot Synthesis of Conjugated Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-b-Poly(arylisocyanide) Rod-Rod Block Copolymers and Its Self-Assembly PropertiesJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 2013, 51, 2939-2947.

37) Jun Yin, T. Wu, J. B. Song, Q. Zhang, S. Y. Liu, R. Xu, H. W. Duan “SERS-Active Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Detection of Cadmium Ion (Cd2+)Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 4756-4764.

38) Jun Yin, H. B. Hu, Y. H. Wu, S. Y. Liu “Thermo- and Light-Regulated Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Processes within Dually Responsive MicrogelsPolym. Chem. 2011, 2, 363-371. (Journal Hot Article).

39) Jun Yin, C. H. Li, D. Wang, S. Y. Liu “FRET-Derived Ratiometric Fluorescent K+ Sensors Fabricated from Thermoresponsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Labeled with Crown Ether MoietiesJ. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 12213-12220.

40Jun Yin, X. F. Guan, D. Wang, S. Y. Liu “Metal-Chelating and Dansyl-Labeled Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels as Fluorescent Cu2+ Sensors with Thermo-Enhanced Detection SensitivityLangmuir 2009, 25, 11367-11374.

41Jun Yin, Z. S. Ge, H. Liu, S. Y. Liu “Synthesis of Amphiphilic Copolymer Brushes Possessing Alternating Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Poly(N- isopropylacrylamide) Grafts via a Combination of ATRP and Click ChemistryJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 2608-2619.

42Jun Yin, D. Dupin, J. F. Li, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu “pH-Induced Deswelling Kinetics of Sterically Stabilized Poly(2-vinylpyridine) Microgels Probed by Stopped-Flow Light ScatteringLangmuir 2008, 24, 9334-9340.

43Jun Yin, S. Y. Liu, “Kinetics of the Shrinking and Swelling of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Studied by Stopped-Flow in Combination with Temperature-Jump12th IACIS International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science, Beijing, China, 15-20 Oct, 2006.


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